How much is it for Logitech Z-10 speaker in HK?
Is there anyone know how much for a Logitech Z-10 Speaker in hk? 更新: Sry, i mean i want to know the Street/market price in HONG KONG. NOT the recommend listed price in US. Thank you
Logitech Z-10 Interactive Speaker 代理資料: 冠恒集團 (電話: 3185 1030) 建議售價: $1,280 Z-10 Interactive Speaker System規格: .總輸出功率:30瓦RMS .Bi-amp設計: 高音喇叭輸出功率(左 + 右):每聲道1.2瓦RMS 低音喇叭輸出功率(左 + 右):每聲道14.8瓦RMS .總瞬間輸出功率:60瓦RMS .喇叭尺寸(每隻):9.7 x 4.5 x 4.7吋(H x W x D)
Logitech speakers - Sight, touch & sound "Until now, PC speakers have simply delivered sound," said Jef Holove, Logitech's vice president of product marketing for audio. "The Z-10 speakers aim to incite more of the senses - sight, touch and sound - with their media display, touch-sensitive controls and premium audio. And beyond that, these speakers are simply stunning, adding a level of design sophistication to their breakthrough digital music capabilities. The Logitech Z-10 Interactive 2.0 Speaker System will be available in the U.S. and Europe beginning in September. Its suggested retail price in the U.S. is $149.99