Agnes b 急!!!!!!!
我想要Agnes b 的歷史 要英文!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THX
agnes b. 說:「服裝應該能使人快樂、輕鬆、充滿自信。」 agnes b. 法國簡約宗師 agnes b.,nee Agnes Trouble,1941 年出生於Versailles,曾擔任ELLE雜誌主編,也曾做過Dorothee Bis的助手,Limitex,Pierre d'Alby,V de V的自由服裝設計師。1975年在巴黎開了第一家時裝店,從此奠定agnes b. 在時裝界的地位。發展至今,agnes b. 在全世界已有上百家店,一家藝廊,一家製造公司,生產女裝、男裝、童裝、少女裝Lolita 、運動系列b. sport、公雞牌球鞋le coq sportif 、EVERLAST〈與拳服品牌EVERLAST合作〉、化妝美容用品Beauty 〈與L'Oreal合作〉、手錶〈與精工Seiko合作〉、手提袋 VOYAGE等,每年還發行音樂CD,舉辦經常性的攝影展或是贊助藝術活動。她可以稱得上是最具豐沛人文情懷的服裝設計師;agnes b. 也可說是法國精品品牌的平易近人版。 這位五十六歲,有五個小孩,以法式人文氣息聞名的設計師,擁有哈雷、喜歡搖滾,她還有一隻非常特別的寵物─蜥蜴,因此妳會發現在agnes b.的運動系列中蜥蜴成了她的Logo。agnes b.認真的重視生活,由生活中得到靈感,每年獨自設計數個系列。這間家族企業式公司,可以說是跟生活自然同步成長!agnes b. 一直挑戰於一貫流行的模式,她不嘩眾取寵也不求博得大眾目光,然而這樣的堅持反而把流行帶入給那些不跟隨流行的另一派時尚人中。agnes b.的設計,線條簡潔、剪裁合宜、色彩簡單、材質天然,總是不經易流露出agnes b.的風格。 一百四十九種顏色的經典暗扣設計外套Snap Cardigan,在法國平均兩人一件的實力,更幾乎成了法國人的制服! agnes b.的時裝發表從來都不矯飾做作,「我並不想做一名出類拔萃的設計師!」她就是這麼自然,這麼的與眾不同,這麼的帶有藝術風情,這就是 agnes b.。 尼個NET有佢其他D information,http://www.agnesb.com/front/index.jsp 希望幫到你la~ 2007-03-11 16:55:05 補充: sor~揾唔到english!
agnès b. is a keen observer of life from which she draws inspiration as the sole designer for her collections for women, men, children, sport b., and Voyage, as well as a cosmetics line. She has often taken inspiration for her collections from everyday life, believing that the clothes are 'less important' than the person wearing them, and she has created a trademark style that is modern and pure, elegant but not conventional, and that has seduced people all around the world. For over 25 years now, wearing agnès b. has become akin to the expression of one's character. As a designer, agnès still has time for her other passions as a photographer, film producer and an avid collector as well as a supporter of the arts. With over 115 boutiques around the world, agnès b. remains a family-owned company that has grown in tune with the times, instinctively and far from the spectacle of fashion runways and without advertising. agnès b. opened her first US store in New York in 1981, and has expanded her US presence to include Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and three additional stores in New York. agnès b.'s fashions, her art gallery and current events are also presented on her website at agnesb.com. &呢個網有多D,,,不過COPY唔到 http://www.agnesb-fleuriste.com/company_profile.html