
Eng 文法句子結構一問,Change 開頭為何加S?


“Changes in the circumstances of society, an increase in the number of sales outlets of newspapers and magazines, the distribution of free newspapers and fierce competition from other forms of media have contributed to lowering the general public’s demand for the provision of newspapers and magazines by on-street... 顯示更多 “Changes in the circumstances of society, an increase in the number of sales outlets of newspapers and magazines, the distribution of free newspapers and fierce competition from other forms of media have contributed to lowering the general public’s demand for the provision of newspapers and magazines by on-street newspaper hawkers,” Dr Ko said in a written reply to the Legislative Council. 為何Change 要加S? 有其他例子舉例嗎? 另外,我想問開頭幾段的文法結構, Changes in the circumstances of society, an increase in the number of sales outlets of newspapers and magazines, 以上是什麼片語,為何可以這樣用? 3QQQ





A: Changes in the circumstances of society, 社會環境的變遷 B: an increase in the number of sales outlets of newspapers and magazines, 報紙和雜誌銷售點數量的增加 C: the distribution of free newspapers 免費報紙的發送 D: and fierce competition from other forms of media 以及其他型態媒體的激烈競爭 A, B, C and D have contributed to lowering the general public’s demand for the provision of newspapers and magazines by on-street newspaper hawkers, A、B、C 和 D 降低了社會大眾經由街頭叫賣供應報紙和雜誌的需求。 A、B、C 和 D 都是名詞片語,change 在句中是名詞,採複數加上s 其他例子: 1.) Changes in the Body With Aging The body changes with aging because changes occur in individual cells and in whole organs. These changes result in changes in function and in appearance. (第一個changes是動詞,其他3個都是名詞) 2.) Changes in the business environment Changes take many forms and create new challenges.


(1)Changes---changes in society (2)an increase in sales (3)distribution free newspaper (4)fierce competition Changes--------noun plural no. as S (=1,2,3,4,)-----all are noun phrases; have contributed-------V a low demand-----------O changes,n,eg:-Things becoming different:-eg:-Changes in weather; I noticed big changes in weather since carbon monoxide age. Changes in migration laws from China. Many people find it conveinent to cope with changes. changes,n, eg:-pleasant new situation;eg:-A piece of lamb is a welcome changes from the usual MacJunk food.---Let's go out to a Chinese Restaurant for changes.---"The MTR train was on time today." "Well, that makes a change."---"How about a week by the sea?The changes of air,changes of scene, would make you feel good."|||||是文法不是片語

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