


我想問邊間酒店有甜品自助餐? 麻煩回答者請提供: 酒店名: 地點: 點去: 有咩食: 價錢: 有關網址: 請盡量提供多幾間酒店~唔該哂!!!





Mango desserts at The Balcony New sweet buffet has a summery twist The Balcony has a special treat in store: throughout this summer the restaurant is featuring a mango-themed dessert buffet. Available on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, the mango buffet is served from 2:30pm to 5:00pm and costs HK$138 for adults and HK$98 for children. All prices are subject to 10 percent service charge. In what has become an annual event, the Balcony’s mango dessert buffet features almost forty different mango-based dessert items, such as popular favorites chocolate mango molten cake; mango and black sesame crunchy cream cake and green tea roulade with black bean and mango. New items this year that deserve special mention are passion fruit cocktail with mango and streusel; mango rose and mango with lychee rice pudding. Reservations for the mango sweet buffet and other dining periods at The Balcony may be made by calling the restaurant on 2733 2033. ******************************************** 帝京酒店紅豆+綠茶下午茶自助餐 忙碌過後,於週末悠閒地享受下午茶,品嚐精緻甜品,領略甜蜜滋味新境界。花月庭推出「紅豆+綠茶=誘惑」下午茶自助餐,以無限創意炮製別出心裁的甜點。精選推介包括茉莉荔枝慕絲蛋糕、炸綠茶鮮奶球、紅豆奶油撻、炭燒咖啡綠茶洋羹及紅豆慕絲餡餅等。 清新的綠茶配軟綿綿的紅豆,為夏日帶來無限驚喜。請即致電花月庭訂座,電話 2622 6156 **************************************************** 日航酒店 香芒下午茶自助餐 讓您陶醉於香甜芒果夢 芒果味道香甜,正是濕悶的春夏入饌之選。香港日航酒店雅樂吧最新推出的香芒下午茶自助餐,正集合了多款芒果夢幻美食,讓客人在靜謐和諧的環境內,一邊享受著美食,一邊啖著紅茶或咖啡,輕嚐淺酌。 逢星期六、日及公眾假期 3:00pm - 5:00pm 成人 : HK$128 小童 : HK$98 以上價目均另加一服務費 免費代客泊車﹝1小時﹞ 查詢或訂座請電 : 2313 4210 ************************************************************* 朗豪酒店 The Place Chocolate Affair Chocolate lovers will delight in The Place’s ultimate weekend chocolate temptation. Luscious and oh so indulgent, you’ll relish our buffet laden with chocolate cakes, ice-creams, pralines, puddings, mousses and waffles – even chocolate sushi! There are also the decadent dark and white chocolate fountains and the best hot chocolate and chocolate milkshakes in town. Time: 3:15pm to 5:30pm (Sat, Sun & Public Holiday) Price: $148 (Adult) $98 (Child) including one hot chocolate or chocolate milkshake T: (852) 3552 3200 All prices are subject to 10% service charge ************************************************************


酒店名: 新世界萬麗酒店2樓 - 閒敘廊(消夜甜品自助餐中西日甜品鹹味小食及越式麵檔) 地點: 新世界萬麗酒店2樓 - 閒敘廊 點去:Taxi 有咩食: 甜品 價錢: 成人$108,小童$78,設加一 有關網址: http://marriott.com/hotels/travel/hkgnw-renaissance-kowloon-hotel-hong-kong/?Marriott_BD=%7b5192F901-E432-4D58-97CF-7BDA95EBDA4C%7d&checked=True 時間:星期一至六9:30pm-11:30pm

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